KBB Birmingham 2014

KBB Birmingham is fast approaching and at BA Components we are entering that fast and frantic final furlong.

The stand design is decided, construction underway and today final touches being added to the graphics to reflect our final theme and styling; ‘B A Part of it’.

Now we are working as a team to ensure all the display elements arrive on time and in one piece from various locations around Ireland, UK and Europe. I know two weeks can seem like a long time, but when so many pieces have to be fitted together in a particular order to time and budget it can seem like a moment.

We know we are going to put on a great show that will be interesting, innovative and exciting for our staff, existing dealers and many new contacts we make and we want to be sure you’re there to enjoy it and see for yourself.

Mark the dates in your diary; 2nd to 5th March, remember the stand number ; 18N116 and don’t forget the Brand! B A Part of it – BA Components, we promise you’ll enjoy our coffee, appreciate our craick and leave us with ideas and contacts that will transform your business.

Written by: Minus40 Support